Hello there,
How about a new update?
In my family everybody is good at cooking but
I don't have those culinary skills –except bakery, I'm good at it, hehe- But
that isn't the point of post it haha, today I'm to write about my favorite food… Wait, my favorite food?! Really?! Well, how do I start? I'm a picky eater and I
don't have any food that I love with all my heart -haha that sounds stupid-.
The only that I have clear is my Top Ten of food that I hate and wanna share it with you.
Here we go!
My Picky Top Ten
10.- Chocolate
I like so
much chocolate but I'm allergic :( so I can't eat it frequently.
In easter day four years ago I ate too much
chocolate and I thought that I was dying. My stomach hurt, i only laid on my
bed for the rest of afternoon.
Orange Juice
actually it´s not that I don´t like orange juice -my favorite drink is Crush-,
but i´m allergic to it too -like chocolate case-. My physical reaction is a big
stomach ache and if I don´t use plastic straw, my mouth sting a lot.
8.- Rice
Yes, this
is weird because I eat sushi and others things with rice but without
accompaniment I really hate it, actually I don’t know why but I only like my
granny’s rice and anybody else haha. I’m annoying picky, sorry.
7.- Charquican
Yes, I know
it’s a traditional chilean food but, honestly what is it? A stew with things that
I don’t like –especially pumpkin-. Looks like whatever with whatever and more whatever of yellow color.
6.- Spiral pasta
I don’t
know if it’s for their shape or how taste but I don’t like that type of pasta. It’s
feel weird because for me isn’t the same flavor than others types of pasta. It’s
5.- Beetroot
My dad
loves bertroot, I can’t understand him. What you find delicious? It’s sweet and
sour -sweeter than sour- and the texture is weird. And dear, that vegetable
makes your pee pink.
4.- Lettuce tortilla
My mom, dad
and sister loves tortilla of whatever, I only like omelette and potato
Again with
the point, my family love those things and I hate it but the hatest for me is
lettuce tortilla, it`s strange, like burned lettuce with egg and tastes like
chlorophyll with soil.
3.- Guatitas
Oh my god,
why guatitas exist? They’re ugly and smelly. Every time that mom cook guatitas
all the house smells so bad and I have to eat something different. It’s only
how they smell I don’t know the taste, but I‘m not worry about because I don’t
wanna try it.
2.- Shellfish + another sea things
I literally
hate everything -maybe not all of them- of the sea that we can eat it. They are
smelly and wet and only with this I’m outta here. I like fried fish, cuttlefish
(jibia) and weirdly like kanikama only in sushi.
I don’t
like shrimps but I feel kinda sad for them because every time that we cook
shrimps, Martín meows for them. It's a monster with those littles.
1.- Legumes
I hate
those little things with all my soul, they’re so common and everybody have
legumes in their home. I hate so much how they taste, texture and all of them.
Mom why are
you doing this to me?
When I was
a little girl I always was asking if I like the things that she was cooking for
dinner, especially when was legumes she answered to me "yes, you like
it". By the way the legume that is the most hated by me are beans -eww-.
Thanks for reading but I have a bonus...
Keep calm my dear now we have good news :D |
I was lying
haha because in reality I have food that I like.
Cabbage: I
love so much, I eat cabbage since I was a little girl. Whatever shape or color,
I like so much cabbage and if avocado is accompanying it, better for me ;)
Cyenne: I
don´t care if they’re red, yellow or green, all of them are delicious in salad
of soup.
My favorite fruit, mom gave a lot of pineapple juice when I was a child and
actually I drink a lot too.
Berries: They
are so sweet and red & purple; I like them because are sweet and a bit
citric, smells and tastes good.
Ice cream:
I like so so so so much Ice cream, I don’t care if it’s summer or winter, I
enjoy how it tastes –especially pineapple, cherry or strawberry- It’s very
interesting to try different flavors and discover new favorites.
<3 |